Medieframkallad ångest?

Jag har ju lätt att hetsa upp mig. Klimatångesten och Björklundskräcken känner ni ju till. Men nu har det eskalerat. När jag jobbar så läser jag massor av tidningar och lyssnar/tittar på alla nyheter. Efter ett tag så kryper det liksom under skinnet på mig. AAAHHH! Mina barn kommer inte att få jobb! Om de ens blir vuxna, alla ringer ju till Bris och vill ta livet av sig! Och gatuvåldet! Och miljögifterna! Och a-kassan! Och försäkringskassan! Och fågelinfluensan! Och MRSA! Och terroristerna! Och fundamentalisterna!

Andas! Andas!
andas andas andas

Postat av: Järnladyn

Periodvis slutar jag helt enkelt läsa tidningen. Speciellt när det skrivits om sådant som Bobby-fallet.

Det finns en gräns för hur mycket elände man orkar ta in. Lite av livsglädjen och tron på det goda vill man behålla...

2008-02-07 @ 19:29:36
Postat av: T-Bird

Don't worry, Swedens nowhere near the rest of europe when it comes to problems. its just you don't know good you have it!
I bet my sister would of loved to had a year off work when she had her child, instead of going back to work after two months, and then paying 2500:-
a month for part time childcare.

Your child have the world at their feet, its up to them what they make of their lives.

Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you're the only you
No one else has got your eyes, can see the things you see
It's up to you to change your life and my life's up to me
The problems that you suffer from are problems that you make
The shit we have to climb through is the shit we choose to take
If you don't like the life you live, change it now it's yours
Nothing has effects if you don't recognise the cause
If the programme's not the one you want, get up, turn off the set
It's only you that can decide what life you're gonna get
If you don't like religion you can be the antichrist
If your tired of politics you can be an anarchist
But no one ever changed the church by pulling down a steeple
And you'll never change the system by bombing number ten
Systems just aren't made of bricks they're mostly made of people
You may send them into hiding, but they'll be back again
If you don't like the rules they make, refuse to play their game
If you don't want to be a number, don't give them your name
If you don't want to be caught out, refuse to hear their question
Silence is a virtue, use it for your own protection
They'll try to make you play their game, refuse to show your face
If you don't want to be beaten down, refuse to join their race
Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
I am he and she is she but you're they only you

as they say......

2008-02-07 @ 21:20:11

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